• Today my Muslim friend is coming to visit. This is part of her last email to me: Sister I have pure, clean intentions to show you the Truth of Islam….I have been honest with you that I am NOT open to Christianity what so ever in the sense that I […]

  • We have four young children. The first two are old enough to grasp the significance of a new arrival in the family, but they cannot yet understand how babies are made. Similarly, I’ve found that many Christians assume new churches are born somehow, without realizing the process of church birth. […]

  • Last week I attended a church planting conference at Moore College with some friends. The event was well-attended with around 150 participants. I interacted with Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist and a few Pentecostal ministers. While we obviously would not agree on various doctrines, I found the meeting to be helpful and […]

  • Saturday night I got an email asking if I could help drive our church teens down to Camp Benaiah today for a week of camp. I was thankful for the opportunity to do it because I believe in camp ministry. Here are some of the reasons why… 1. Young people […]

  • My neighbour Julia is a Lebanese widow in her seventies who speaks very little English. When we moved to her neighbourhood eight years ago, she was kind and friendly but from a distance. You need to understand that she was purposely distant with me after she knew that I was […]

  • It’s been quite a while since I started my discussion on Bible interpretation so I’ll link you to the first two posts. Why they think we’re dangerous (and why they might be right) Those rigid literalists Another point has pressed itself onto my mind. Here it is: God’s word is […]

  • I’ve recently been thinking about church planting and will present three posts on the topic. I hope this will interest and provoke you, especially if you have not considered or experienced life in a new church. Do We Need More Churches? Based on the National Church Life Surveys, Sydney Anglican […]

  • My pastor, Steven Mock, preached on Psalm 96 on Sunday. He called this Psalm “a missionary melody.” “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!” There were three key points that Steven made from the text: 1. Mission starts with worship (v. 1) Mission is […]

  • What should be the first thing you blog about? Well, I am not sure yet… I have read all the blogs on GMT and liked some and thought others went right above my head. There was one blogger that I looked forward to reading her blog as it always cheered […]

  •   “Before you can get someone saved, you first have to get them lost.”   The primary need of our day is to help lost people realise they are sinners. And that is difficult in a society of relative morality. There is a school of thinking in Fundamentalism that focuses […]